If you are ever bored in Taiwan just follow the fireworks. On this evening I came across some sort of temple celebration near the industrial market in Dong Shir. Fireworks and music were blasting. Gifts and gods were flowing. A large group of people scurried around arranging what would be brought into the temple next. At first I wasn't sure if I was welcome there. Quickly though, people came over to me, took pictures with me and then graciously invited me to eat with them. I saw one of my newest and youngest students at the festival with her mom. They were very surprised to see me there with my camera. Emma's eyes followed me through crowd as I tried to capture what I was seeing, even though I really did not understand what was I was witnessing. I was a shy photographer that evening as I was quite adamant that I didn't make anyone uncomfortable during their time of worship. I didn't stay to eat, but I wish I did. The next day, one of the people that saw me at the temple the night before shouted at me as she passed by on her bike, " happy to see you"!