It has been several weeks since I left the cottage. I do miss being there and was glad to have gone back for a short trip earlier this week. The driveway is now impassable so I had to park on the road and hike down. It was cold. Before I even reached the cottage my fingertips were numb. It was also very beautiful. The snow was freshly fallen and the tracks of many different animals spread all over the cottage property. It was surprisingly noisy! The ice was continuously colliding and roared a sound that was deadly cold. My flash actually froze to my camera while I was shooting the new icy landscape.
I have rearranged my blog. Below are my journal entries from my first days at the cottage to my last. I have kept my favorite pictures and will continue to add photos when I go to the cottage for day trips. Thanks to everyone that followed my adventure and supported me. I promise there will be many more interesting experiences to follow!
A NEW CHAPTER October 5th/07
Some transitions in your life you can't really feel, they just happen. Moving from Toronto, my home of seven years, to my cottage is one very clear chapter in my life. I have never done anything like this before. In the past week I packed up all my belongings, had a fantastic going away party and moved to Devil Lake. Apart of me is in disbelief I haven't moved here before, another part is astonished I actually did.
After some self doubt, a few questionable looks from my friends and the dire warnings from my aunt who lives her most the year, I am here. What I see when I peak up from my notepad is truly right and beautiful. The islands stand like statues, the water is almost flat rippling tiny waves that carry the colours of falls. I can see three loons, one swimming and fishing in the bay, the others tour around looking for lunch. I hear actual crickets! This is a sound I heard in Toronto only from Linda's cellphone ring or in Ryley's backyard. A bee bumbles while my tummy rumbles and the outhouse door slams. Someone else is up....
I came here to work, explore myself and grow as a photographer. I am very grateful to have this place, the support of my family and friends. I really don't know what the future will hold for me, I am just going to enjoy NOW.
October 6th
Today I woke up and felt bloody awful. Then I saw the calm of the lake and sprung out of bed, camera and notepad in hand. I walk to my bench at the waterfront and hear thunder and gunshots go off in the distance. The loons enter the bay and the ducks fly in their frantic way above me. More gunshots. I suppose the hunters are excited to have the long weekend and a Thanksgiving meal to contribute to.
I am trying to get a good fish shot while waiting for the loons to get closer. As I wait I start to worry. I wonder how long I can stay here for. I feel a little nervous. Will it be weeks or months before I move again??? After my time at the cottage, what next?
21 ducks fly above and continuously switch their formation. Good luck ducks!! They are flying high, hopefully out of gunshot range. In the five minutes I have been sitting here I have heard 17 shotguns fired. The sky is grey now and I may have to run from the rain................
I did have to run!!
October 23
I'm back at the cottage! After several days of finger foods, a funeral, family and friends I'm enjoying the sound of rain hitting the cottage roof. The consistent rhythm of the big heavy drops reminds me of living in the B.C rain forest. The first summer I worked there it rained 90% of the two and half months I was there. Crazy cabin fever... With 9 girls and 2 guys living there it is amazing there wasn't an all out war.
This morning reminded me of how different my life is now. My phone is dead from the storm, I totally smell of smoke from the wood stove and I ran out milk, with no store to walk to. The water pump isn't working and I have a serious pile of dishes to deal with.
Last night I had a great hike with my friend Mac. We made our way over to Sunfish Bay then stopped for a drink at this perfectly made natural stone bench. We saw a beautiful deer swimming from island to island. We skipped stones, beach coming while we walked home. When we came up the hill 3 large deer were grazing under the apple trees. They heard and saw us, but didn't care.
The colours around Devil Lake are amazing. It is so calm and quiet. I see the occasional fisherman and hear hunters on the weekend. The only other people I see are whomever I invite down.
Everyone who has visited me so far understands why I love being here so much. Although I am faced with different work and a different series of problems I am rewarded in a much more fulfilling way then I felt living and working in T.O. I don't mean to bash Toronto as there are many things I love and know are distinctly unique to the that city. I guess what I want to say is that I needed and am enjoying the change in my own life.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Today a humongous deer jumped in front of my van. It was scary. Another strange occurrence was overhearing this conversation at the liquor store. The little lady stated " We gotta pop that coyote, otherwise the neighbours will think we are feedin' her. Yeah, lets pop it!". I saw the coyote trumping across a nearby field as I was leaving. I tried to telepathically tell it to mosey on. Good luck coyote! A Granny is out to get you.
Tonight is a nearly full moon. I will try and get some amazing night shots if it clears up. Hopefully I will post them tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
In this past week a lot has changed at the cottage. Most of the colourful leaves have fallen, the water level dropped even further and the deer hunting season is now open. The most dramatic change affecting my own life is that we had to take out the water pump. I have wanted to travel for awhile, now it seems I am traveling back in time! I can't hide the fact that doing dishes, bathing and cleaning with running water is a luxury I am used to and will probably miss.
Another big change is that the temperature has shifted significantly. I use to get away with letting the fire die in the night. Now I am discovering that unless I want to wake up uncomfortably cold, I have to get up and stoke the fire. My firewood is getting low. This is a problem I will have to fix ASAP.
I discovered many interesting subjects I will shoot on an epic hike with my friend Mike. One area that really stood out was a tunnel cave made up entirely of the roots shooting from five different trees. Totally amazing!! It has a grand entrance way that led into a beautifully braided tunnel. I will post pictures of it this week.
There is not much action in the bay right now. A small loon is bobbing in the waves as the sun seems to enlighten one island at a time. Earlier in the week I spotted a huge bald eagle from a far. I hope to get a great eagle shot! However, I know from setting up and chasing eagles out west that this is no easy task. It is however immensely rewarding when successful. When I look at this shot that I eventually got on Digby Island, all I see is strength!!
I'm not sure how long I will be able to stay here. My goal right now is until November 29/07. I wish I could stay longer and I wish I could make maple syrup in the spring. That would be deliciously fun, but I suspect is a job for more than one person.
Hope everyone is well :)
Monday, November 5, 2007
After a very stormy Sunday it is another beautiful day on Devil Lake. The sun is out and the lake is flat. The water is so still you can see the bottom with perfect clarity. I can hear water dripping of the dock to the offbeat of the woodpecker having its way with the tree. Several gunshots fire while traffic speeds around the bend in the road.
More shots. I have been advised not to hike during these next few weeks. Historically hunters have poached on our property. Even though I have an amazing pink plaid jacket (see pic above) I know it won't protect me from a drunk hunter firing shots into the bushes... right into my bottom or worse. With this new situation, I regretfully cannot hike. I think I will shoot night shots as well as some of the beautiful birds that so far I have taken for granted. I also want to experiment with changing the photos I have taken into graphics. I will post them so let me know what you think.
Questions, feedback or shooting ideas are always welcome.
If I am feeling adventurous enough I may shoot hunters shooting.... we will see!
Thursday November 8th
It is chilly, calm and very quiet on the lake today. Right now I am sitting on a massive driftwood log, waiting for something to happen. I have seen, but missed shooting some animals as of late. Very frustrating! It is exciting too. For example, I was waiting to iChat with my friend Maria and just outside my cottage window a bald eagle speedily swooped down into the swamp. It grabbed a stick and flew away satisfied. I suspect it is building a nest, but I haven't found the location yet. I do hope it sticks around. The last eagle my family remembers seeing was over 30 years ago.
This morning I saw a beaver or a muskrat. Of course by the time I ran down to the lake it was long gone. To be a good nature photographer I need patience, to research and luck.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The grass is crunchy from the frost. Each step I take is kind of delightful. crunch crunch
Aware of every step I make I mosey down to the lake. Today I have to calculate where I am going to write. The place has to be in the sun and hidden from the chilly wind. I settle on a smooth rock by the tree cave (pictured in a past blog).
Things are good here. Without running water cleaning takes more time and planning but it is far from impossible. I refuel, stock up, clean clothes and shower when I go to Kingston to visit and help at my Grandma's house. I am still unsure how long I can stay. The weather can change so quickly and here it can"come like the devil". The dropping temperatures do make life more difficult. It is harder to keep the cottage warm. I may rearrange some furniture today so my bed and computer are closer to the wood stove. I have to make sure my guest bed is cozy too! My biggest concern is that my things will freeze when I am in Kingston. Pens, water, my computer, camera and food are all at risk when I am away.
For now I sit, listen and watch. The water flows, the pussy willows whistle and a variety of birds come and leave the bay.
The cottage seems a world away when I am in Kingston. In the city I feel like I spend most of my day driving from A-Z. I am enjoying spend time with my family and friends. It as been seven years since I have been home and I am unsure of how long I will stay. I have discovered that I am not ready to live in Kingston again. I am an urban or rural girl. I might be able to live here if I had a stimulating job that satisfies my curious nature plus had time to leave the city and explore.
As the days get darker I think more and more about leaving for a warmer climate. In fact I am inquiring about ESL classes for December. The world awaits me and my camera! I do feel reassured that no matter what I end up doing or where I live I will always have a great home and an even more amazing cottage to go to. The Australian Aborigines believe you leave a trail behind that contains your essence. I know some of my trail is at the cottage and always will be because it helped form who I am.
Cottage Closure
I have discovered that I cannot stay at the cottage if the temperature is lower than zero. The building is not insulated and will not heat up. This environment makes my nose sting when I try and sleep! I have really enjoyed my time on Devil Lake and am grateful that I got to stay there as long as I did. I will still go there when the weather is warm, for some day trips and parties.
So now......... I am starting my ESL training on Wednesday and will be researching where I should teach.
Also, I really want to keep shooting. I will be giving myself assignments, posting them online for you to read, then showing you the fruits of my labor (is it really work if you love it???).
The Stillwater Bookstore in Westport Ontario is selling my photos!
I am excited by this and am hoping to sell at other stores as well. If you know places I could approach please let me know.