Thursday, November 6, 2008

October in Canada!

Mom and Dad on the hill.

My bro.

Lovely Livia tries the rocking horse on her first birthday!!

Skylar's biggest cookie ever!

My best girls!

Taiwan to Canada - Canada to Taiwan

This last month has been a whirlwind. During my visit home I enjoyed every second with my loving friends and family. I wasn't sure what it would be like when I arrived back in Canada. Would I experience culture shock? How would I describe my experiences here to others? Would I want to come back to Taiwan? These were all thoughts that passed through my mind before I arrived. As usual, I worried too much. I felt comfortable in Canada and I can honestly say I fell in love with my country all over again. I have a renewed sense of confidence as I now know I can enjoy my life in Asia and will be equally satisfied when I return to Canada. I feel like I have received a gift. Now is the time in my life I can enjoy discovering myself and this beautiful planet. This journey is preparing me for the rest of my life.

I have now been in Taiwan for a few days. My trip here was uneventful except for a stunning view of the sun setting over the icy Arctic. I had a strange feeling of jealousy looking at this gorgeous landscape. I feel like visual artists try to create things that are that powerful and vivid but most will never come close to touching the frantic light streaming colours over the mountains of ice, and the cracks which create a heavenly design. As I wander around my town again perfect strangers greet me and some who know me ask about my trip home. Although our Chinglish conversations are limited, the intention for friendship is known. I am back with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of how my culture and environment in Canada are so different than here. This fresh perspective should help improve my photography. Writers should write what they know, so know I will shoot what I know; a tiny town in Taiwan that is somehow louder than Toronto :)

Lugang: A few shots from a smoking hot day trip + one from our staff trip

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Suao Fish Market

Inside the Market.

I took all of these images on a gorgeous afternoon in October. I decided to take an hour to myself and shoot whatever caught my eye. This small town is named Suao and it is on the east coast of Taiwan.

An abundance of skinned frogs for sale

Thousands of tiny fish (the black dots are their eyes). These are sprinkled on many dishes in Taiwan.

Very tight parking.

The fishing industry is the opposite of a "green business".

Runaway fish head forgotten on the floor.

This, is the freakiest fish I have ever seen. I could not stop staring at it. This nice lady noticed my amazement and horror and stopped to talk to me. She offered to pick the fish up off the floor (see below) so I could get a better picture of it.

This man is sorting the fish that are to be put up for auction. You really can't get fresher seafood. The fisherman drop of their loads at the dock, the fish sorter sorts and than the bidding and buying begin.

Some very concerned bidders check out their options.

My bicycle shot. Every photographer has one.

Taiwanese James Dean!!

Seafarers have the choice of going to traditional temples or The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan to ask for a safe journey and good a catch.