Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Suao Fish Market

Inside the Market.

I took all of these images on a gorgeous afternoon in October. I decided to take an hour to myself and shoot whatever caught my eye. This small town is named Suao and it is on the east coast of Taiwan.

An abundance of skinned frogs for sale

Thousands of tiny fish (the black dots are their eyes). These are sprinkled on many dishes in Taiwan.

Very tight parking.

The fishing industry is the opposite of a "green business".

Runaway fish head forgotten on the floor.

This, is the freakiest fish I have ever seen. I could not stop staring at it. This nice lady noticed my amazement and horror and stopped to talk to me. She offered to pick the fish up off the floor (see below) so I could get a better picture of it.

This man is sorting the fish that are to be put up for auction. You really can't get fresher seafood. The fisherman drop of their loads at the dock, the fish sorter sorts and than the bidding and buying begin.

Some very concerned bidders check out their options.

My bicycle shot. Every photographer has one.

Taiwanese James Dean!!

Seafarers have the choice of going to traditional temples or The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan to ask for a safe journey and good a catch.

1 comment:

  1. dude, your fish photos are awesome. can you not keep kicking my ass at everything? hehe ;) even that freakin weird ass long mouth fish is cooler than the freaky no fin big eye fish i saw. you're amazing.
    miss ya! and wish we had more time to hang out when i was still in the 'wan.
    come to malaysia!
